We would appreciate it if you took the time to nominate someone in need and share this message with your friends and family so we can support a charity in our local community.
During 2013, the last year of Daron Fishers battle with a glioblastoma, Daron, and his wife Beth started the non-profit organization Keep Punching in their Pikesville, Maryland home. Beth and Daron struggled with the knowledge that while researchers continue to speculate about promising treatments for brain cancer, few receive the necessary funding to determine the treatments’ efficacy. Keep Punching, Inc., supports patients, healthcare providers, and researchers in their fight to prevent and eradicate brain cancer and minimize treatment-related side effects that may adversely impact function and comfort. Funds raised assist brain cancer patients and families; providers who are pursuing integrative approaches to healing; and researchers who are investigating traditional and complementary cancer-related therapies.
Our vision is to be the premier advocacy assistance program for homeless youth in the northeast region
Charities MUST be a 501(c)(3) non-profit OR an organization that is able to collect tax-deductible donations to participate. Winning charities will also be required to sign a photo release form. When thinking about nominations, we encourage you to consider the following factors:
*Provide as much detail as possible about your nominee in order to help Amazing HVAC select the best possible candidates*
Winners will be notified on or around the 1st of the following month.
Annapolis, Anne Arundel County, Baltimore County, Carroll County, Harford County, Howard County, Montgomery County, Prince Georges County